2012 Secretary of State Press Releases
- Texas Presidential Electors Meet, Cast Electoral Votes for President and Vice President of the United States (December 17, 2012)
- Gov. Perry Names Steen Texas Secretary of State (Source: Office of the Governor, November 27, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Submits Resignation, Leaves office as fourth-longest serving Secretary of State in Texas History (November 20, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Reminds Texans Tuesday, November 6 is Election Day (November 5, 2012)
- Update: Texas Reaches Record Number of Registered Voters on Voter Registration List for November 6 General Election (October 19, 2012)
- Texas Reaches Record Number of Registered Voters on Voter Registration List for November 6 General Election (October 15, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Reminds Texans October 9 is Voter Registration Deadline (October 5, 2012)
- Texas Secretary of State Releases Voter Education Smartphone App (October 3, 2012)
- All Issues of the Texas Register Now Available Online (September 25, 2012)
- VoteTexas.gov in spotlight on Texas.gov (September 6, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade visits UT Arlington to discuss importance of youth vote in Texas elections (September 4, 2012)
- Senate Bill 14 Denied Judicial Preclearance by Federal Court (August 30, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Alerts Texans to Changes in State Trademark Law (August 14, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Named Co-Chair of NASS International Relations Committee (August 2, 2012)
- Election Day Reminder: The 2012 Primary Run-Off Elections are Tuesday, July 31, 2012 (July 30, 2012)
- Reminder: One More Day for Early Voting In 2012 Primary Runoff Elections (July 26, 2012)
- Reminder: Early Voting In the 2012 Primary Run-Off Elections Begins Monday (July 23, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Alerts Voters Early Voting In the 2012 Primary Run-Off Elections Begins Monday (July 20, 2012)
- Texas Recognized by National Military Voter Protection Project as All-Star State (July 17, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Reminds Texas Voters One Week Left to Vote Early in May 2012 Primary Elections (May 21, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Alerts Texas Voters Early Voting for Primary Elections Begins Monday, May 14 (May 11, 2012)
- Reminder: Just One Week Left to Register to Vote in May 29 Primary Elections (April 23, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Alerts Voters to Bogus Email Regarding May 12 Local Elections (April 11, 2012)
- Secretary of State Hope Andrade Launches Statewide Voter Education Effort: “Make Your Mark on Texas” (April 4, 2012)
- U.S. Department of Justice Refuses Approval of Photo Identification Law for Texas Voters (March 12, 2012)
- 2012 Primary Election Date, Additional Key Dates Set For 2012 Primary Election Cycle (March 1, 2012)
- Secretary Andrade Announces New URL Address and Name for State Voter Website (February 27, 2012)
- New Voter Registration Cards Delayed in Some Counties; Voter Registration Status Not Affected (February 21, 2012) (En Español)
- Secretary Andrade Speaks at Midland Developers’ Forum (January 30, 2012)
- Secretary Andrade Speaks at “Plano First” (January 26, 2012)
- Secretary Andrade Speaks at ITT Technical Institute Grand Opening (January 25, 2012)