Volunteer Deputy Registrars

Volunteer Deputy Registrars (“VDRs”) are entrusted with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. VDRs are appointed by county voter registrars and charged with helping increase voter registration in the state.


To be appointed a volunteer deputy registrar, a person must:

How to Become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar

Role of a Volunteer Deputy Registrar


Before you get started, be sure you have the following:

Distributing and Accepting Applications

You may distribute and accept a voter registration application from any resident of the county who:

You may also distribute and accept applications from current registered voters who wish to change or correct information on their voter registration certificate (such as name or address) by checking the “change” box on the application.

Your county voter registrar should provide you with applications containing the county return address.  If your county voter registrar does not have enough applications to provide to you, you may print blank applications for volunteer deputy registrars from the Secretary of State’s website. These applications should only be distributed to applicants residing in the county.  Should you receive generic applications containing the Secretary of State’s return address, you can distribute to anyone residing in any county; however, you can only accept applications from those registering within the county in which you were appointed.

Assisting Applicants

Reviewing the Applications

While the applicant is still in your presence, you must review the application for completeness. The following sections of the voter registration application must be completed:


Registration Receipt

For each completed voter registration application, fill out a receipt in duplicate and give each applicant the original receipt. The duplicate receipts must be delivered to the voter registrar along with the applications. You may wish to keep copies of the receipts for your records. You should not keep copies of the completed voter registration applications because these documents contain information that is confidential by law.

Delivery of Applications and Receipts

You must deliver completed registration applications and receipts in person to the voter registrar no later than 5:00 p.m. of the 5th day after the date you receive them. FAILURE TO DELIVER AN APPLICATION IN A TIMELY MANNER IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.

NOTE: You MUST deliver an application submitted after the 34th day before the date of an election and on or before the last day for a person to timely submit a registration application for that election to the county voter registrar not later than 5:00 pm of the next regular business day after the date to timely submit a registration application for that election. (Sec. 13.042)(c)).

Information & Resource Materials

The Elections Division has created the resources below specifically for volunteer deputy registrars. For additional information, please contact your County Voter Registrar.