Election Notice:  Early voting for the November 5, 2024 Uniform Election runs from Monday, October 21, 2024 – Friday, November 1, 2024  |  Last day to apply for ballot by mail (received, not postmarked) is Friday, October 25, 2024  |  ID requirements for voting in person  |    ID requirements for voting by mail

Printers Registered with the Secretary of State

Phone Number
Absolute Print Solutions dkilbourne@absolute-print.com P.O.BOX 24505
1125 Old Brandon Rd.
Jackson, MS 39232 Deborah Kilbourne 866-939-9901
Ext. 225
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots
AC Printing, LLC print@acprinting.com 3400 S. Raider Drive Euless, TX 76040 Durriya Dawoodbhoy
Ali Dawoodbhoy
817-715-6978 Paper Ballots, Election Supply Kits, Optical Scan Ballots & Ballot Envelopes
Action Printers mikes@action-printing.com 2407 82nd  St. Lubbock, TX 79423 Mike Stevens 806-745-5500 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots
American Printing And Mailing service@americanprinters.com 1606 Headway Circle Austin, TX 78754 Dan Brannon 512-452-5058 Paper Ballots, Mailing Services for By-Mail Voting Voter Registration,
Political Signage
American Solutions for Business rbjohnsonbw@consolidated.net 3044 Bentwater Dr. West Montgomery, TX 77356 Raymond B. Johnson 713-569-8166 Paper Ballots
American Solutions for Business rricotta@ppasolutions.com
2828 E. Trinity Mills Rd. Ste 150 Carrollton, Tx 75006 Rachel Ricotta 972-862-1075
Ext. 4
Fax: 817-4274876
Paper Ballots, Voter Registration Applications and Forms, Poll Rosters, Election Materials & Signs, Application for Ballot by Mail.
American Solutions for Business eparker@americanbus.com 4801 Baldwin Blvd., Suite 104 Corpus Christi, TX 78408 Estella Parker Office:361-879-0212
VR Card, VR Applications, Address Confirmation, Ballot by Mail Envelope, etc.
AMG Printing & Mailing aaron@amgprinting.com
10203 Kotzebue St.,
San Antonio,
TX 78217
Aaron Gonzales or
Rob Wicks
210-832-8850 Printing and Mailing
of Voter Materials
Aptco Inc. neil.abf@outlook.com 341 Hickory St., Ste. 105 Abilene, TX 79601 Neil Tatom 325-677-5980
Fax: 325-675-5488
Voter Registration Applications, Poll Rosters, Election
Bear Graphics kfrierson@beargraphics.com
P.O.BOX 3290
Sioux City, IA 51102 Kerry Frierson or Charles Scott or Niel Parsons 1-800-325-8094
Ext: 143
Fax: 915-754-5730
Voter Registration Certifications & Applications,  Jury Summons, Statement of
Canadian Printing
& Design
canadianprint@yahoo.com 419 Elsie Avenue Canadian,
TX 79014
Leslie Fry 806-323-5263 Paper Ballots
Capital Graphics Inc. capitalgraphics@hotmail.com P.O.BOX 149 Hutto, TX 78634-0149 Howard R. Widmer, Becky Milholland, Chris Widmer 800-769-2030
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots
Capital Printing nkorody@capitalprintingco.com 4001 Caven Road Austin, TX 78744 Nick Korody 512-442-1415 ext 420 Absentee Ballot By Mail
Castle Business Solutions info@castlebusinesssolutions.com 5220 Spring Valley Rd. Suite 565 Dallas, TX 75254 Sharon K. King
Sarah Neeb
214-599-2880 Paper Ballots & Election Forms (customizable for various needs)
Centex Printing peggy@centexprinting.com 1005 Marlandwood
Rd. Ste. 111
Temple, TX 76502 Peggy Duffield 254-771-2422 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, VR
Computech Mailing Systems ckeeton@computechdfs.com 4707 Lydia Drive Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Carol Keeton 940-696-1315
Fax: 940-696-3027
Voter Registration Cards
Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Forms and In-house
printing and mailing.
Copies To Go copiestogo@wcsonline.net 2400 Veterans Blvd.
Ste. 8
Del Rio, TX
Hector Canales 830-775-1121 Paper Ballots
CSGI-Business Ink. Debbie.Roberts@csgi.com 15404 Long Vista Dr. Austin, TX 78728 Deborah Roberts 512-666-2307 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Election Supply Kits
CSGI-Business Ink chayo.sanchez@csgi.com 15404 Long Vista Dr. Austin, TX 78728 Chayo Sanchez 512-666-2309
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Cards, brief description Ballot Now, Ballot on Demand, Programming DRE’s
Mailing Services for
By-Mail Voting & Voter Registration
Custom Data Products davidm@cdpaxiom.com 524 Esther St. Waco, TX 76710 David Milligan 800-759-0981 Election Forms,
Voter Registration Applications
Dallas ISD Graphics Department gguerra@dallasisd.org 2525 Ervay Street Dallas, TX 75215 Gabriel Guerra 972-925-4448 Paper Ballots, DRE Programming
Dimmitt Printing & Office Supply dimmittprinting@amaonline.com 200 E. Bedford St. Dimmitt, TX 79027
(Castro County)
Roger Malone 806-647-3286 Paper Ballots
Echo Publishing Co. scott@ssecho.com 401 Church Street Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
(Hopkins County)
Scott Keys 903-885-0861 Paper Ballots Voter Registration Forms,
Election Materials
Election Systems & Software (ES&S) cdmoody@essvote.com 704 Central Parkway
East, Suite 1214
Plano, TX 75074

Chris Moody or Mayy Kunz

Optical Scan Ballots, Paper Ballots, Election Supply Kits, Ballot on Demand, Absentee Ballots, Voter Registration Forms,
Election Materials
Fidlar Election Services searley@fidlarelection.com 6851 TPC Drive Orlando, FL 32822 Stacey Earley 813-833-6001 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Processing, Printing & Mailing of
ABBMs (ballots, envelopes and paper)
Fort Orange Press, Inc. dvanveghten@fortorangepress.com 11 Sand Creek Road Albany, NY 12205 Daniela VanVeghten 518-489-3233
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Printing & Mailing of Absentee Ballots, Proprietary tracking & reporting system
Gainesville Printing Company Scott@gpctx.com 204 Denison St Gainesville, TX 76240 Scott Kessel 940-665-5517 Paper Ballots
Hart Intercivic ssvoboda@hartic.com 15500 Wells Port Dr. Austin, TX 78728 Stephen Svoboda or April Klein 512-252-6648 Paper Ballots, Ballot Now Ballots, BOSS DRE Programming, Election Supply Kits, Optical Scan ballots
Information Management Solutions (IMS) sy@totalims.com 2416 Brockton St.,
Ste. 105
San Antonio, TX 78217-
Sy Green 210-826-4994 Voter Registration Applications, Confirmation Cards, National Change of Address (NCOA)
Integrated Voting Solutions, Inc.(IVS) Erick@thepresort.com 1931 G Street Fresno, CA 93706 Eric Kozlowski, Mike Rockentsein 559-798-6151
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Ballot Now, Ballot on Demand,
Integrated Voting Systems Inc. stephanie@integravote.com
496 S Uruapan Way Dinuba, CA 93618 Stephanie Elder,
Boby Rael, Jeremy Heroux
559-498-6151 x117
Paper ballots, Optical scan ballots, Election Supply Kits, Ballot Now, Ballot on
Demand, Voter Registration Cards & Forms, Poll Location Cards & forms, NCOA
update mailings
Jayden Graphics Jaydengraphicsives01@gmail.com 2705 Katie Trail Melissa, TX 75454 Craig Martin or Harriet Ives 972-838-2000 Election Supply Kits Ballot Now
Ballot on Demand,
Programming of DRE’s.
K & H Election Services dhaines@khprint.com 7720 Hardeson Rd. Suite A Everett, WA 98203 Dave Haines 425-446-3318 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots
Lance Spruiell Business Forms & Graphics lsbfprinting@gmail.com 4707 Lydia Dr. Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Lance Spruiell 940-696-0340 Voter Registration Cards
Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Forms and In-house printing and mailing.
Laser Printers & Mailing Services katy@lpmsi.com 8701 Perrin Beitel San Antonio, TX 78217 Katy Bryant 210-590-6565 Voter Registration Cards, Voter Registration Applications, Address Confirmation Cards In-house printing and mailing.
Majority Strategies jared.stimson@majoritystrategies.com josh.kivett@majoritystrategies.com Tom.Longpre@majoritystrategies.com 12854 Kenan Drive, Suite 145 Jacksonville, FL 32258 Jared Stimson
Josh Kivett
Tom Longpre
Voter registration mailings
Martin Printing orders@dbsofvictoria.net 2407 N. Laurent St. Victoria, TX 77901-3602 Ronnie Walker 361-575-3118
Fax: 361-575-8312
Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Forms and In-house
printing and mailing.
Mid-West Printing
Scott.s@mwprint.net 1227 N. Ninth St. Sapulpa, OK
Scott Seay,
Howard Seay
Paper Ballots,
Optical Scan Ballots
NPC, Inc. Brad.Houseknecht@NPCWEB.COM 13710 Dunnings Hwy Claysburg, PA 16625 Brad Houseknecht 814-660-3544 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Vote By Mail, Polling Location Change Notices,Voter Registration Cards & Postcards
ODB Business Solutions, LLC linda.ross@odpbusiness.com 6600 North Military Trail Boca Raton, FL 33496-2434 Linda Ross 214-215-9345 Election Supply Kits & Election Mail
Plerus matt@byersprinting.com
420 W Huron St., Ste. 223 Chicago, IL 60654 Matthew Sandretto
Jack Tinney
Paper ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Election Supply kits & Mailing Services
(absentee ballots/vote by mail/applications/etc.)
Printed Supplies amy_wenzel@printedsupplies.com PO Box 171245 San Antonio, TX 78217 Amy Wenzel 210-590-4041 Voter Registration Forms ,Certificates
Proforma Horizon Total Source Troy.bevilljr@proforma.com 408 W. Main St. Whitehouse, TX 75791-3452 Troy W. Bevill President 903-534-9999
Voter Registration Forms, Certificates and Business Forms.
ProvoteSolutions crish@provotesolutions.com 90 West Poplar Ave Porterville, CA 93257 Cris Highnote
Nancy Phillips
Paper Ballots & Optical Scan Ballots
R & C Printing Co. sales@rc-printing.com 7135 W. Tidwell Rd., M108 Houston, TX
Caroline Mason 713-996-8044 Voter Registration
Forms, Certificates
Reflections Printing mikehensley@reflectionprint.com 6131 Corporate Dr. Houston, TX 77036 Mike Hensley 713-271-2253 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Forms
Robis Elections Inc rjenkins@robis.net
PO Box 39 Wheaton, IL 60187 Rachel Jenkins or Aaron Davis 630-666-7013
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots & Ballot on Demand
Runbeck Election Services, Inc. tbarnfield@runbeck.net
2800 S. 36th  St. Phoenix, AZ 85034 Tony Barnfield or James Suver c: 404-217-0382
c: 480-455-1047
o: 602-363-6458
Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots, ABBM printing & mailing, Other (Test Decks, Sample Ballots, Inserts, etc.), Inbound Mail Sorting, Petition Mgmt., Ballot Duplication, Ballot Print on Demand, Vote Centers, VR
Safeguard rstallings@gosafeguard.com PO Box 9363 Columbus, GA 31908 Richard Stallings 800-763-5454 Election Forms, Voter Registration Applications, Optical Scan,
Election Supply Kits
Schulenburg Printing & Office jeffproske@schulenburgprinting.com 705 Upton Ave Schulenburg, TX 78956 Jeff Proske 979-743-4511 Paper Ballots
Scott/Merriman, Inc. Scott-merriman@sbcglobal.net 2930 Merrell Rd. Dallas, TX 75229 Jeff Biggs 972-484-7113
Fax: 972-484-8908
Voter Registration Forms
Sebesta Business Services billsebesta@gmail.com 12325 Aquaplex Dr. Buda, TX 78610 Bill Sebesta 512-626-9290 Paper Ballots, Optical Scan Ballots & Election Supply Kits
Spectrum Marketing Companies kerry@spectrummarketing.com 95 Eddy Road, Suite 101 Manchester, NH 03102 Kerry Marsh 603-582-0119 Absentee Ballot By Mail & Voter Registration Forms
Taylor Dennis.Schlossman@Taylor.com
1725 Roe Crest Dr. North Mankato, MN 56003 Dennis Schlossman
John Lewchenko
Paper Ballots & Election Supply Kits
Thomas Graphics, Inc ben@thomasgraphicsinc.com 9501 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 Ben Thomas 512-719-3535
Fax: 512-719-3534
Voter Registration Cards
Election Supply Kits, Voter Registration Forms
and In-house printing and mailing.
Thompson Print Solutions St@thompsonprintsolutions.com 5818 Rocky Point San Antonio, TX 78249 Sterling Thompson 210-734-5356
Fax: 210-734-0652
Paper Ballots, Election Forms, Scan Ballots
Varispark sfincher@varispark.com 14289 Welch Rd. Farmers
Branch, TX 75244
Sandy Fincher 469-574-2625 Voter Registration
Certificates and Business Forms
VariVerge, LLC mckenziep@variverge.com 920 W 9th Avenue
8949 Diplomacy Row
Amarillo, TX 79101
Dallas, TX

McKenzie Parker


888-288-6693 Voter Registration Materials and Forms
VariVerge, LLC lukea@variverge.com 920 W. 9th Ave. Amarillo, TX 79101 Luke Austin 888-288-6693 VR Materials & Forms
Weldon, Williams & Lick, Inc. sales@wwlinc.com P.O. Box 168 Fort Smith, AR 72902 Karen Still 1-800-242-4995 ext 170 Paper Ballots & Optical Scan Ballots

Updated 3/28/2023