Running for County or Precinct Chair in a Party Primary in 2022

NOTE: Please note that information on this page is subject to change as a result of legislation or court order

Application Process

Candidates seeking office for County or Precinct Chair must file an application to have their name placed on the ballot for the primary election.

Filing Period

General Eligibility Requirements for Party Offices Appearing on a Primary Ballot

To be eligible to run as a candidate for or serve as county or precinct chair of a political party, a person must be a qualified voter of the county. A qualified voter is a registered voter of the county. (Sections 11.002, 161.005, Texas Election Code.) The candidate must therefore be a resident of the county to be eligible for county chair or precinct chair. There is no specific period of time that the person must have been a resident of the county to be eligible for the office of precinct chair or county chair. (Section 161.005, Texas Election Code). The candidate must be a registered voter as of the day the application was filed. If a person is appointed as a county or precinct chair, the candidate must be a registered voter as of the date of appointment. (Section 161.005, Texas Election Code). A person’s registration is effective 30 days after the date the application is submitted to the voter registrar.

Voter Registration for Convicted Felons

Final felony conviction status does not disqualify a candidate for party offices, unless the conviction impacts voter registration status.

Please note that the general eligibility requirements for public office do not apply to party offices. (Section 141.001, Texas Election Code).

Residency Requirements for Precinct Chair

In addition to the general eligibility requirements for party office, a person must also reside in the election precinct to be eligible to be a candidate for or to serve as a precinct chair for that precinct. There is no specific period of time that the person must have been a resident of the precinct to be eligible for the office of precinct chair. (Section 171.023, Texas Election Code)

Candidates for Nomination to or Holder of Other Elective Office

When Does Someone Become a Candidate?

For purposes of eligibility for party offices, a person is considered to be a candidate at the earliest time that a person files for office or a person is nominated by a convention or executive committee. Additionally, a person is considered to have filed for a party office when one of the following occurs: the person files a declaration of intent to run as an independent candidate, an application for a place on a primary or general election ballot or for nomination by a convention, or a declaration of write-in candidacy. (Section 161.005, Texas Election Code).

NOTE: Whether these offices are elected are plurality or majority is determined by each party’s state executive committee. (Section 171.022(d), Texas Election Code).

Updated August 2021.