Trademark Forms
New Trademark Statutes and Rules
The secretary of state has promulgated certain forms designed to meet statutory requirements and facilitate filings with the office; use of the form is permissive.
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Form Number |
Description |
901 |
Trademark Application - Application for registration of a trademark or service mark. Rev. 3-23 (# of pages - 6) (Word, PDF) Please use this sheet if you need to list more than three (3) partners in a single application, ref. Item 1 of the application. (Word, PDF) Please use this sheet if you want to include more than four (4) classes in a single application, ref. Item 6 of the application. (Word, PDF) |
902 |
Trademark Renewal - Application for renewal of registration. Rev. 10-23 (# of pages - 2) (Word, PDF) |
903 |
Trademark Assignment - Form to record the assignment of a trademark or service mark. Rev. 12-23 (# of pages - 3) (Word, PDF) |
General Information
Form Number |
Description |
806 |
Fee Schedule - Listing of all Corporations Section fees. Rev. 9-15 |
807 |
Payment Form - Form for use in transmitting credit card, LegalEase, or client account payment information when filing documents by facsimile. Rev. 6-23 (# of pages - 1) (Word, PDF) |